It's not here yet, but we'll let you in on a secret. It's coming really, really soon. So sit tight. You just might see something that will blow your socks off!
We will provide news for events, holiday’s, and tips for studying.
Safe and and trusted by a group of students.
We are here to keep you informed, and secure.
Nov.10 is the grand opening.
Shoutout to Emma Swearingen
Our Goal
Our vision for the LMS website is to not just be a digital presence, but a vibrant platform that embodies the spirit and success of our students. By leveraging modern web design principles and content strategies, we aim to create an online experience that not only informs but also inspires, ensuring every student at LMS feels recognized and empowered to pursue their dreams.
The Creator
The creator wishes to remain anonymous and rather be called by “The Creator” or “The Owner”. Only a couple of people know him personally and a select few know that him by that alias and know that he owns this website.