
It's not here yet, but we'll let you in on a secret. It's ​coming really, really soon. So sit tight. You just might ​see something that will blow your socks off!


Ready to Check ​what’s going on?

Launching soon.

Ready for it?



News Glyph Icon

We will provide news for events, ​holiday’s, and tips for studying.

School Icon. School Symbol. School Flat Icon.

Safe and and trusted by a group of ​students.

customer icon user vector

We are here to keep you informed, ​and secure.

Nov.10 is the grand opening.

Shoutout to Emma Swearingen


Our Goal

Our vision for the LMS website is to not just be a ​digital presence, but a vibrant platform that ​embodies the spirit and success of our students. ​By leveraging modern web design principles and ​content strategies, we aim to create an online ​experience that not only informs but also inspires, ​ensuring every student at LMS feels recognized ​and empowered to pursue their dreams.


Buildable Instagram UI Filled Profile Icon

We are an anonymous ​organization for students, by ​students.

Organization Icon
Group of Persons
Group of Persons
Group of Persons
Group of Persons
Group of Persons
Group of Persons

The ​Creator

The creator wishes to remain anonymous and rather be called ​by “The Creator” or “The Owner”. Only a couple of people know ​him personally and a select few know that him by that alias ​and know that he owns this website.

Buildable Instagram UI Filled Profile Icon
Russian Abstract Wireframe Elements Starburst Fill
Lineless Artisanal Flower
Nude Abstract Blob
Simple Abstract Semi-Transparent Trendy Sharp Star